Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pizza as a vegetable!!!!!!

 What is this world coming to? When our kids are being fed all this crap in school? First of all pizza is NOT a vegetable never has been nor will it ever be. It doesn’t grow on trees, vines or on a bush. You can read more on this story at the Huffington Post. So, Let us think about this for a moment. There is kid in line at the lunch counter in any or all schools around the country ordering his/her food “I have the steak fingers (processed meat product) with French fries (delicious yes, but not healthy) and for my vegetable I will have the pizza (still not a vegetable)” Mmmmm…..that sounds like a delicious and healthy lunch I think I will grow up to be a fat bastard. We have been wondering why all our kids are becoming obese. Well I think we just touched on the part of answer. This was the doing of our wonderful elected leaders in congress being urged on by the AFFI (American Frozen Food Industry) not to change the bill that was just passed. I am going to go out on a limb here and say I think some if not all of congress is getting paid for this one. Not one of them can tell me with a straight face that they think pizza should be considered a vegetable. I am willing to say I sure none of their children’s schools are serving that odd vegetable. Let’s be fair about this they did not actually say pizza is a vegetable, they said that tomato paste counts a vegetable. So, anything that has 1/8th of a cup tomato paste can be counted at a vegetable serving. They used pizza as an example. I don’t know about you but I have read the ingredients in a frozen pizza and it’s not pretty (check the Huffington Post link). If the schools were making the tomato sauce from scratch then I would think a little different about this. But, the fact remains that AFFI help push this through congress so they could sell more frozen tomato paste pizza’s and other crap to our schools. So what can we do about this act of stupidity? Well we can start by sending the speaker of the house a letter stating your feelings on this subject at SpeakerBoehner@mail.house.gov. I am working on setting up an online petition so we as a country can take our first steps in possibly changing congress mind for future acts of stupidity.
P.S If anyone has a Pizza Tree I would like a seed.

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