Wednesday, December 21, 2011

They’re Back…

Well it’s been 8 ½ years but were finally out of there (Iraq). Thank God, it’s about time we have pulled out of a war we should have never been in to start with. I think it is shameful that our last government sent all these men and women to a hellhole (Iraq) just because they said that they had WMD’s even though they had reports that said just the opposite. 4500 of our brave men and women killed and thousands wounded and disabled. Ex president Bush and his cabinet should be tar and feathered then locked up for this action. The one good thing that came from this war is the removal of Saddam. But, did we really need to send in 130,000 troops to occupy a country for 8 ½ years to do this. I would think the CIA could have done this with their eyes closed and only put a few people in harm’s way to make this happen.
I sat down to write this just to say “Thank You” to the men and women of our armed services for their bravery, honor and dignity in serving our great nation in a war that should never have happened.

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