Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bring your own damn pen

Here is a good one. I think I figured out why the jobless rate is so high in America. The majority of people coming through my door are crazy if they think that anyone would give them a job let alone call them for an interview. I don’t know about you but when I go for an interview I will but on my best clothes and brush my hair (well I would if I had any) but these people are coming in off the street looking like they just got run over with their hair all over the place and their clothes (if you can call them clothes) dirty and wrinkled. Would it hurt to actually shave and shower before an interview or before coming in to get an application? The ones I like most are the people that respond by email without attaching a resume but with one question. How much do you pay? Most of the time that is the only question and they want me to call them. Wow!!! That’s rich. It’s amazing how many just never show up for the interview after you call them. So, I guess if you want a job an education is good and will help open doors but you’ll need to use your common sense before you go through that door.  Which by the way I guess is not that common.
P.S. Bring your own damn pen.

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